National Associtaion of Secondary School Principals, NASSP
2010年12月28日 星期二
2010年12月22日 星期三
2010年12月15日 星期三
Assessment Skills of Counselors, Principals, and Teachers
主要及最普遍的標準就是教育與心理測驗的標準(Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing)(包括:美國教育研究協會(American Educational Research Association, AERA)、美國心理協會(American Psychological Association, APA)、國家教育測量委員會(National Council on Measurement in Education, NCME),1985)。較有直接相關評估技能是由專業組織所發展的標準,負責認證或強加文憑管制及專業指導。這些為輔導員而發展的標準,其與評估有關的包括:使用者責任的標準測驗(Responsibilities of Users of Standardized Tests) (American Association for Counseling and Development (AACD)/Association for Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development (AMECD), 1989); 道德標準(Ethical Standards, AACD, 1988) ; 及 CACREP的評鑑標準( Accreditation Standards) (Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs, 1994)。
美國教師聯盟(American Federation of Teachers, AFT)、美國國家教育測量委員會(NCME)及國家教育協會(National Education Association, NEA)共同努力並制定出「學生教育評估之教師能力標準」(the Standards for Teacher Competence in Educational Assessment of Students)。繼續以上的努力,美國學校行政人員協會(American Association of School Administrators, AASA), 國家小學校長協會(National Association of Elementary School Principals, NAESP), 國家中學校長協會(National Association of Secondary School Principals, NASSP)以及國家教育測量委員會(NCME)已經擬出「學生評估教育行政人員的能力標準」(the Competency Standards in Student Assessment for Educational Administrators),(參與的組織從1995年代中就已經將這些標準使用了)。
2010年12月8日 星期三
Looping: Adding Time, Strengthening Relationships
由East Cleveland, Ohio州的學校及Cleveland State University組成進行F.A.S.T.方案的小組,其中最主要的對象是多年教師-學生(Hampton, Mumford, & Bond, 1997)。雖然參與該方案的學生與傳統班級的學生由同一位老師教學,但方案中的學生,在基測的閱讀及數學成績比較高。除了學習上的成就外,F.A.S.T 的老師對於學生的成果增加歸屬感(sense of ownership)(包括正面與負面)。老師越有自主決定權越有成就感。家長也感覺老師較尊重他們,對孩子的老師和行政人員也比較有信心,也比較會與其孩子尋求學校的協助。
研究三年師生的關係,George, Spreul, and Moorefield (1987)發現,70%教師認為,連續三年教同一批學生,使他們運用更積極的方法來管理教室。92%教師認為,他們較了解學生。69%認為他們的學生較主動且願意參與課堂上的活動。85%老師認為,學生覺得自己是團體的重要成員,在團體或學校中覺得很自豪。84%老師認為他們與學生家長的關係更積極主動,75%認為與同仁的關係增加移情(empathy)。在這項研究中,對於每個連續班級,學生的反應是優良的與增加積極。99%家長要求,他們的孩子需要有與前年同樣的老師來教導(Burke, 1996)。
Milburn(1981)研究兩所有同樣社經地區的小學,一所學校使用傳統班級結構、另一所使用「延長師生關係」(extended teacher-student relationship)的取向,讓學生與老師共處一年以上。這項研究發現,在「延長關係學校」(extended relationship school)的學生較喜歡學校,並覺得不無聊。此外,在基本技能考試成績方面,延長關係學校的年輕學生成績勝過於傳統學校的學生。
2010年12月1日 星期三
Site-Based Management: Boon or Boondoggle?
學校系統不能徹底實施SBM,甚至在權力分配由集權至分權的轉換模式上,如何做出最佳的思考。在「分析地方委員會資源、運作和成果之間的關係(An Analysis of the Relationships between Site Council Resources, Council Practices, and Outcomes)」此篇研究中S. Bauer 與 I. Bogotch, 1997提出以下建議:
- 許多行政區中的學校本位團隊對SBM 的運作自我設限--自主權的界線模糊。
- 「自主權的問題」和「其界線模糊」的問題會阻礙學校本位團隊的效能。
- 校長不只叫其他人做什麼,而是幫助成員發展自主的技能。
- 實施SBM時,績效責任不只停留於校長與地方教育管理者,而是下放至權不決策團隊,包括教師、家長和其他社區代表。
- 決策團隊經常陷入權力和內部行政事務中。
Dosdall 博士舉出實例證明以上的研究,認為「經由行政區的優先事項、計畫和編預算的過程等,可以看到學校本位決策的運用」,例如,在2000-2001時,這個行政區已經編入500 億4000 萬的經費,其中92%的經費直接分配於學校的成員、學生、家長和社區上。
每所學校都獲得分配的經費,學校不但運用這筆經費在眾多的教職員身上,還規畫最好的資源、設備和公共設施以提供給學生。經費的分配基本上是決定於學校所招收的學生的數目與類別。剩餘的8%行政區的預算運用於委員會和行政部門。其中,3.5%經費運用於管理和行政上,3%運用在教學或教學資源的提供,0.5%運用於運作和經營上,0.5%運用於capital projects上,0.5%運用於外務服務。
或許大部分的資金分配在教師、學習工具和公共設施上,除了Edmonton Public Schools的經常費用(overhead)外,部分係來自於行政區專門用於SBM上的經費。
若Edmonton Public Schools的經驗是個非常好的SBM實例,那麼,雖然也許會花很多時間在學習實施SBM上,而且實施SBM也許是件不容易的事,但當SBM能真正的發揮它的作用時,相信那些努力和付出是值得的。
Site-Based Decision-Making
由Jamie McKenzie 撰寫的一本線上電子書。主要內容探討SBM的「陷阱」、「評價:組織準備度的評估」、「招募:發現一個積極的學校委員會」、「創造:適應學校環境和實際狀態」。
School-Based Management
Assessment of School-Based Management
2010年11月24日 星期三
A lesson for Principals: Put instruction first
本篇報導由教育世界(Education World)雜誌記者Sharon Cromwell進行訪問正在Denver參與校長培訓課程的校長們。內容提供實用的資訊及指引,對教學領導的培訓很有用。
許多校長花很多時間在繁瑣的行政工作上,而忽略了學校真正發生的事情,比如關心老師,學生或學習問題。為了尋求一個方法,以更接近教師和學生在學校所經驗的事情,33位校長一起參與一個由Public Education and Business Coalition (PEBC)提供的教學領導培訓課程。
PEBC總教練Joy Hood認為,花時間在教學上是很難。這個課程主要幫助校長們如何運用時間,如何讓每天的工作能增加其教學領導的價值,使校長了解哪些事務是必要的、哪些是浪費時間的。另外,也幫助校長們設計其行事曆、減少某些活動的負責任。Hood認為,面對聯邦政府、州政府或學區的壓力,校長不確定什麼事情是最重要的或可以改善學校的教學成果。考試分數越低,壓力就越大。
她還認為,校長們應該學習如何克服畏懼(practice fearlessness),克服恐懼是很難的事,但是透過關係網絡或研究組可以幫助校長做出對學校最有利的決定。
2010年11月3日 星期三
Culturally responsive curriculum
Several checklists for evaluating instructional materials can be found in the literature on CRC. Gollnick and Chinn (1991) identify six forms of subtle and blatant bias that teachers should look for in textbooks and other instructional materials: invisibility, stereotyping, selectivity and imbalance, unreality, fragmentation and isolation, and language bias. The 10-item checklist provided by Chion-Kenney (1994), which covers many of the same points as the Gollnick and Chinn list, focuses on biases against Native Americans found in textbooks.
許多有關評估教學教材的清單可以在研究文化回應課程的文獻發現。Gollnick 和Chinn (1991)確認了六種微妙與炫耀的偏見,教師應該從教科書和其他教學教材裡找尋出來的:這些偏見是:不可見、偏見、可選性與不均衡、虛幻、破碎與孤立以及語言偏見。Chion-Kenney(1994)所提供的“10項目清單”裡,也有許多項目與Gollnick 和Chinn的清單相同,這些相同的項目都聚焦於教科書裡所發現的美國本土偏見。 Typical inappropriate treatment of African Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, and Hispanic Americans includes the "side-bar" approach, the "superhero" syndrome, and the "one size fits all" view. Side-bar treatment occurs frequently in textbooks, where presentation of ethnic experiences is limited to a few isolated events, frequently relegated to a box or side-bar, set apart from the rest of the text. Another frequent misrepresentation of certain ethnic groups occurs when only exceptional individuals, the superheros of history from among that race or cultural group, are acknowledged. Instructional materials frequently reflect cultural bias through one size fits all generalization, by implying that there is a single Hispanic, African, Asian, and Native culture. This view fails to recognize that considerable cultural diversity exists within each of these groups and that even within a cultural subgroup, culture changes over time (Escamilla, 1993).
非裔美國人、本地美國人、亞裔美國人及拉丁美裔美國人之典型的不適當處理方式包刮:測攔取向(side bar approach)、超級英雄症狀(superhero syndrome)以及以「一種教材用於所有人」(one size fits all)(可用「一材百教」嗎?)的觀點。測攔處理方式經常出現在教科書裡,教科書所介紹的民族經驗只限於一些孤立的事件,常降低成方框或測攔,使其與其他內容不相同。另外一種介紹是只選擇某民族的一些卓越的個人,不同種族或文化中的歷史英雄。教學教材常反映文化偏見,一種教材使用於所有世代,這只是說明單一文化,如拉丁文化、非洲文化、亞洲文化或本土文化而已。這個觀點無法理解多元文化,每一種族文化都參雜其他種族文化的成分,即便是一個小族群均,其文化也會與時光變遷的(Escamilla, 1993)。
2010年10月25日 星期一
The role of the head in school improvement
The role of the head in school improvement
By Michael Fullan, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto
On the principalship itself, the opportunity to learn on the job through problem-based conferences, networking and linking to the big picture will make the position exciting and uplifting (see Elmore and Burney, 1999, for one example at school district level). In short, school leadership must be doable and rewarding. It must offer opportunities to learn on the job and to give heads the feeling that they are part and parcel of a larger effort to make a difference in society as a whole.
One last caution. As important as the principal is, quality teachers are obviously even more important. Thus, policy development must enhance the status, role and accountability of the teaching profession. First, quality teachers make quality heads. The stronger the pool of good teachers, the stronger that future heads will be as they come from the pool. In numbers, heads will be only as strong as the teaching force is in the first place. Secondly, because schools are organisations and because the principal is the head of the organisation, it falls to him or her to focus on school-wide capacity which is essential to bringing out the best in teachers.
Ironically, up to the present everyone acknowledges how crucial school heads are, but there has been little attention paid to making them more effective. This will have to change if we are to "go to scale" in seeing the majority of our schools do well.
2010年10月20日 星期三
New Leaders Trains New Principals
Hoping to change urban education one school at a time, Jonathan Schnur and some colleagues founded New Leaders for New Schools, a training program for principals. By meshing coursework, on-the-job training, and mentoring from administrators and executives, New Leaders hopes to produce principals who can turn schools around.
Jonathan Schnur 和一些同事成立了「給新學校新的領導者」(New Leaders for New Schools),一個針對校長的培育方案,希望藉此改善都市教育。經由調和課業,及時工作訓練,以及從行政 人員到經理主管人員的輔導,New Leaders 希望培養出可以重整學校的校長。
As a member of the U.S. Department of Education’s staff a few years ago, Jonathan Schnur said he found a common denominator among great schools: they had great principals. So, after leaving the Department of Education, Schnur and some colleagues came up with a plan to train people -- both from inside and outside the field of education -- to staff the principals’ offices of America’s schools.
幾年前曾任美國教育部成員的Jonathan Schnur說:他發現好的學校都有一個共同起源:那就是他們有一位傑出的校長。所以當Schnur離開教育部之後,他和一些同事想到了一個培育人才的計畫,培育教育界的內外人士,為美國學校提供校長。
“We wanted to create an urban principals’ corps,” said Schnur, co-founder and chief executive officer of the two-and-a-half-year-old New Leaders for New Schools. “We developed a business plan, and three out of five of us decided to do this full-time.”
身為已經成立兩年半的New Leaders for New Schools的共同開創人及執行長,Schnur 說他想要建立「一個都市校長的團隊」。我們建立了一個商業計畫,然後我們五個人當中有三個人決定全職地來做這份工作。
New Leaders recruits, trains, and mentors individuals to serve as administrators in urban schools. Mentors come from both the education and business world; among New Leaders’ newest and most prominent corporate mentors is Boeing Company chief executive officer Phil Condit.
New Leaders 徵募、培育和輔導人才,作為都市學校的行政人員。輔導老師來自於教育界及商業界,在New Leaders 當中,最新就任的而且最有名的企業輔導老師就是波音公司的CEO, Phil Condit。
New Leader programs operate in Chicago, New York City, and California. Participants, or "fellows," begin their training with a summer of intensive coursework, followed by an academic-year-long “residency” at a school. Each resident works with the school's principal and meets with his or her corporate mentor. The mentoring continues for two years after the residency ends.
New Leader 計畫在芝加哥、紐約市以及加州都有運作。參與者或夥伴,從一個暑假的密集作業開始他們的訓練,接下來是一整個學年住在學校。每一位居住者和學校的校長一起工作,也和他的企業輔導老師碰面。這種輔導方式在住校結束後持續兩年。
Currently, the principal corps has 48 fellows; 15 working as assistant principals or principals and 33 as residents. Most participants have an educational background, although people with no education training can apply.
New Leaders’ hopes to recruit 65 people for the program that will begin in the summer of 2003, Schnur said. Last year, 600 people completed applications for 48 openings. “[The response] demonstrates that a lot of talented people are interested in changing schools, given the right opportunities,” Schnur told Education World. “We think this [program] has significant implications.”
Schnur 說New Leaders 希望為2003年暑假展開的課程徵募65人,去年的48個空缺有600人完成報名手續。Schnur 告訴 Education World雜誌說,「如此熱烈的反應,證明了許多有才華的人在被賜與適當的機會下,對改變學校都很有興趣」。因此,此培育方案有重要的啟示。
2010年10月11日 星期一
Top heads to be 'chief executives'
This tough approach would be backed by the carrot and stick of funding. A £125,000 per year "leadership incentive grant", aimed at 1,400 inner-city schools, would only go directly to those schools with effective heads.
此艱難計畫得到「蘿蔔與棍子」的資金 (the carrot and stick of funding)支持。每年將有125,000英鎊的「領導獎勵津貼」(leadership incentive grant)支配給1,400市內學校,經由較有效率的校長,這些津貼資金才能直接到學校。
Where there were doubts about the quality of the leadership, the money would not be passed directly - but would be dependent on improvements.
"Where necessary these plans will include the replacement of the head teacher, if this is in the best interest of the school and its pupils," she said.
掃蕩曠課Truancy sweeps
"This is a vital new principle, using the best schools and heads to lever up achievement in the rest."
Flanked by the prime minister, Ms Morris called for the modernisation of the comprehensive principle.
There would no "two-tier" system, she promised, but there had to be a wider variety of secondary schools, better leadership and improvements in pupil behaviour.
她承諾沒有雙軌制(two-tier system)的問題,卻有較多樣的國中學校,較好的領導及改善學生行為。
As well as more specialist and advanced specialist schools, the education secretary announced 33 further city academies and more "extended" schools, also providing social and health services.
2010年10月10日 星期日
Top heads to be 'chief executives'
Top heads to be 'chief executives'
Head teachers will be more accountable for resultsFailing head teachers will be sacked from schools, says the Education Secretary, Estelle Morris.
Education spending 2003-2006 |
£14.7bn extra per year £50,000 extra for secondary schools £10,000 extra for primary schools £125,000 for 1,400 secondary schools in tough areas Children's centres with 300,000 places Education maintenance allowances £1,500 per year Spending per pupil up 50% since 1997 |
And presenting a tough message of reform for secondary schools in England, she announced a "zero tolerance of indiscipline" with more police in schools.
The massive funding increase for education, announced in the spending review, must be followed by a "decisive break with those parts of the comprehensive system that still hold us back".
"Progress at secondary level has not been fast enough. I don't think anyone can say that what we've got now is as good as we want," she said.
In a speech to the House of Commons, announcing details of how an extra £12.8bn would be allocated, Ms Morris said secondary schools must have more incentives to improve.
The best head teachers would become "chief executives", overseeing local schools which were struggling.
These head teachers would take charge of 300 "advanced specialist" schools - which would be created alongside a higher target of 2,000 specialist schools by 2006.
And head teachers who underachieved would lose their jobs.
This tough approach would be backed by the carrot and stick of funding.
A £125,000 per year "leadership incentive grant", aimed at 1,400 inner-city schools, would only go directly to those schools with effective heads.
Where there were doubts about the quality of the leadership, the money would not be passed directly - but would be dependent on improvements.
This is an appalling example of double standards. If teachers miss a target, the teacher gets sacked. If ministers miss a target, the target gets sacked ![]() |
Damian Green, shadow education secretary |
"Where necessary these plans will include the replacement of the head teacher, if this is in the best interest of the school and its pupils," she said.
Truancy sweeps
"This is a vital new principle, using the best schools and heads to lever up achievement in the rest."
Flanked by the prime minister, Ms Morris called for the modernisation of the comprehensive principle.
There would no "two-tier" system, she promised, but there had to be a wider variety of secondary schools, better leadership and improvements in pupil behaviour.
As well as more specialist and advanced specialist schools, the education secretary announced 33 further city academies and more "extended" schools, also providing social and health services.
The tough line on discipline will see an extension of schemes to place police in schools and to carry out more truancy sweeps.
And she said that special units for disruptive pupils could be opened in any school that needed one.
Teachers responding to the spending review said that reforms would not succeed unless the government targeted money at resolving the staff shortage.
And that was linked to resolving the longstanding dispute over teachers' workload.
But although the education secretary warned that the extra funding would need a "flexible, diverse workforce" - she said that details of workload changes would not be available until the autumn.
University delay
Universities and students will also have to wait longer to hear how much they will receive.
A 10-year strategy for higher education and a review of the student loan system will not be published until the autumn.
But in the meantime the education secretary announced £200m extra for university research.
Further education colleges have been promised a 1% increase in core funding.
The Association of Colleges said this "should mean substantial extra sums to enable colleges to meet their basic costs".
The shadow education secretary, Damian Green, said that there was "a gap between the rhetoric and reality" - and he dismissed claims to diversity as a "sham".
"We are not in principle opposed to spending more on education, but money without real reform will be wasted - as it has been over the past few years," he said.
Mr Green also accused the education secretary of double standards in her plans to sack staff in failing schools - saying that she had missed her targets for reducing truancy.
"Will she accept that this is an appalling example of double standards? If teachers miss a target, the teacher gets sacked. If ministers miss a target, the target gets sacked."
Small print
The Liberal Democrats, while backing the extra spending on education, said that there were now worries about the small print of the announcement.
"Managing every single school from your office is not the way to actually improve what is happening," said Mr Willis.
2010年10月6日 星期三
10月7號 報告部分:
The school leadership college has been running in the University of Nottingham for two years, but now has purpose-built premises, providing conference facilities and residential courses for up to 20,000 delegates a year.
Opening the new building, Tony Blair said:"Leadership is something learned. Good schools need good heads."
He said there was a need for vision and values and a strategy to deliver them and the need for a "national standard" among head teachers.
2010年10月2日 星期六
Blair opens college for heads
Blair opens college for heads
Tony Blair has formally opened a training academy for teachers known as the Sandhurst for teachers.
In a speech at the National College for School Leadership in Nottingham, he said there had been great improvements in education and he spoke of the importance of good leaders in schools.
The college runs a course for would-be head teachers.
It is thought the government will announce that the course will be made compusory for new heads of primary and secondary schools in the state sector.
The college aims to provide up-to-date training for head teachers and senior staff, as part of the government's campaign to make teaching a more modern and professional career.
Training is also offered to subject and departmental heads, year heads, local authority advisors and schools bursars.
Tony Blair opened its new £28m headquarters on the Jubilee campus at Nottingham University.
The college was set up to provide this support and professional development for heads and senior staff.
The school leadership college has been running in the University of Nottingham for two years, but now has purpose-built premises, providing conference facilities and residential courses for up to 20,000 delegates a year.
Opening the new building, Tony Blair said:"Leadership is something learned. Good schools need good heads."
He said there was a need for vision and values and a strategy to deliver them and the need for a "national standard" among head teachers.
The college has taken over the running of three national training programmes - the National Professional Qualification for Headship, the Leadership Programme for Serving Heads and the Leadership and Management Programme for New Headteachers - from the Department for Education.
Tony Blair told head teachers at the opening ceremony: "People of my father's generation 50 or 60 years ago would have been staggered at the progress we have made but I know that we can make more progress."
2010年9月27日 星期一
Schools struggle to find Headteachers
Schools struggle to find Headteachers
Schools are struggling to find suitably qualified headteachers, says a survey.
On the day before the prime minister is to announce details of a leadership college for headteachers, a survey claims that a fifth of schools in England and Wales looking for a new headteacher were unable to find a suitable candidate.
The prime minister is expected to call on headteachers to become allies in his campaign to raise standards in schools, but the recruitment problems will be used as evidence of the practical concerns over pay and conditions.
The National Association of Head Teachers which commissioned the survey says that this is a warning to the government of the need to acknowledge the demands put upon headteachers.
"The lesson for the government is not only that pay levels remain unattractive, but that large numbers of heads regard the headteacher's job as unmanageable," said the NAHT's general secretary, David Hart.
David Hart, 全國校長協會總秘書認為,「對於政府的教訓不僅在於無吸引力的薪酬而且許多首長認為校長的工作是難以管理的」。
The survey found that there was a particular problem in London , with 40% of schools having to re-advertise after failing to receive any suitable applications.
Teacher appraisals for performance pay 教師績效薪酬的考核
Problems were greater in primary schools than secondary, with many schools having difficulty in drawing up a shortlist. Only 30% of schools managed to find more than five suitable candidates for interview - with the average shortlist including less than three candidates.
In London the problem for primary schools was even greater, with only 15% of schools getting shortlists with more than five candidates.
The prime minister, addressing headteachers on Thursday, is expected to call upon heads to support the government's proposals to reform teachers' pay - which will involve headteachers carrying out appraisals on which performance pay will be determined.
2010年9月20日 星期一
Retaining principals
Retaining principals 留任校長
By Hertling, Elizabeth
近年來許多學校缺乏校長職位參選人已經受到大眾媒體的紛紛報導,在這學年度(2001)開始,有許多學校已開始徵用臨時校長(temporary principals)來彌補因校長退休所造成的空缺。
Diane Yerkes and Curtis Guaglianone (1998)認為,「總之,校長必須是英雄」。許多因素讓校長感到具有壓力,茲說明如下:
l 超時工作:長時間的工作,每週為60-80小時的工作時數。
l 工作量大及複雜。
l 視導無止盡的夜間活動。
l 薪水不高:與教師及行政人員之間的薪水差距不高
l 備受期待:感受到必須備極高的期待
l 州政府與學區要求回覆成堆的文件。
l 社會變遷:快速變遷的社會及社會問題。
Carole Kennedy, 一位在美國教育部任職的校長認為:「在以往可能成為一個好的管理者但現在校長必須作每件事,從確保外籍生學習英語,必須帶領全部小孩達到高標準,甚至更高」。
校長權威被侵蝕及面臨改變,日益增加的績效期望,缺乏支持,具有壓力的政治環境等因素,迫使校長們離開工作崗位以及教室教學工作(Adams 1999)。
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